

In this section, we provide you the best books linked to personal finance.

Even if numerous applications now provide relevant summaries of books in audio or written formats, we still believe that reading a good book from cover to cover will bring more insights to the reader. We of course encourage you to use audios or summaries to increase your knowledge on specific topics, but do not miss the chance to read these books in full to increase your understanding.   


The Richest Man in Babylon

George S. Clason

An old classic from the 1920's that remains as relevant as before. You will notice that most of our "basic rules" on personal finance are inspired by this book.

Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill

Another classic book that inspired million of people in their road to success. After having interviewed the most successful people of the  beginning of the 20th century, Napoleon Hill  provides a simple 13-step formula.

The Stoic Path to Wealth

Darius Foroux

Even if we accelerate in time, this book from our era is inspired by ancient wisdom and provides excellent insights on how to invest with a long-term perspective on the financial markets. A must read if you want to accumulate wealth overtime and without taking inconsiderable risks.

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